As your due date approaches, some big emotions may (re)surface. Sometimes, when uncertainty exists, we seek to strongly stick to the plan. While your healthcare team aims to support your preferences, it is important to consider your baby — they also come with their own plans. Keeping this in mind can be helpful if you’re concerned about how things may unfold. What may also boost your comfort is that a healthy mom and healthy baby is the main objective for all privileged to serve you during your birthing process. To explore more about labour and delivery, check out these reliable resources to feel present — body, mind and spirit — for the big day!
Where to Deliver in Vancouver
If you want a sense of what to expect when you deliver in a hospital, you can watch video tours of both BC Women’s Hospital and St. Paul’s Hospital. (*Popcorn not included)
Decisions to Prepare For
You’ll have decisions to make at the time of delivery and birth, which may surprise you if you have yet to consider them. These may include whether you want to donate or bank your baby’s cord blood or tissue, your decision on circumcision if you’re having a baby boy and what tests are offered for your baby after birth and in the hospital. Exploring and discussing these options with your maternity provider can help tailor your choices to the preferences of you and any loved ones. Check out the resources we’ve selected to help you navigate these decisions you’ll make for the arrival of your little one.
Thinking Ahead?
Can you believe it? It’s nearly time to bring your little one into the world and start your adventures together. But first, there are a few things to consider, such as when you will be ready to return home. Ensuring you and your baby are healthy and prepared for this transition is important. Of course, you’ll also need to schedule regular checkups with your maternity provider to reassess that both you and baby are adjusting as expected. To help supplement your instincts and/or advice from others, we’ve also included some helpful resources to help you navigate this new chapter of life with your baby.
Maternity Program and Services has a wealth of patient information to guide you in your journey. As we continue to add content to our website, our goal is to review and recommend more information for you about services and programs in Vancouver. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit the list of programs and services available on Pathways BC as well as what is currently listed on BC211.