Healthcare Visit Schedule

If it’s time for your labour (and delivery), no visit checkups are needed. Any checkups that will be needed will be unique to your circumstances. Your maternity provider will likely guide what/when these happen. Of course, if it’s ‘not happening,’ checking in with your provider can help you understand what to expect while you await your baby’s arrival.

Screening and Tests

After birth and before leaving the hospital, a few tests are offered to all new babies. These tests include blood, heart, hearing and, if needed, jaundice (known as bilirubin). To get a sense of what’s in store, check out the outlines of these tests.

Thinking Ahead?

We know that preparing for the arrival of your little one can be exciting and challenging at the same time. But don’t worry; we’re here to help! While planning appointments, schedules and life after delivery (because all that good stuff matters), it’s also important to take things one step at a time and focus on the present moment. YOU have brought new life to our planet. (And on that note — here’s a very warm welcome from us to your little one — with wishes for a lifetime of health, happiness, and love).

Maternity Program and Services has a wealth of patient information to guide you in your journey. As we continue to add content to our website, our goal is to review and recommend more information for you about services and programs in Vancouver. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit the list of programs and services available on Pathways BC as well as what is currently listed on BC211.