Healthcare Visit Schedule

So, you’re pregnant — Badai ho, Mubarak, Felicitations, Congratulations! While things may vary slightly by provider, clinic and timing, generally, here’s what to expect during your early pregnancy visit. Topics covered may differ depending on the provider, but overall, you can expect the following:

Screening and Tests

During the early stages of pregnancy, regular prenatal appointments and tests are essential for monitoring your health and the health of your growing baby. In this early period, here’s what you can expect:

  • Blood Tests – Blood work is done routinely in this early stage. Your healthcare provider can explain what they are testing for based on your unique circumstances.
  • Dating Ultrasound – An initial ultrasound is usually done between 7-11 weeks to get a more accurate sense of your baby’s due date. You may even see your little one for the first time during this ultrasound!
  • Genetic Screening – Genetic testing can help identify the potential risk of chromosomal abnormalities in your baby as early as the first trimester. Since these are screening tests only, to have or not to have these tests is entirely your decision. There are several helpful resources HERE which can help inform your choice.

This early period can have a lot of tests and appointments to jumpstart your journey. In addition to discussing these with your provider, check out the trusted resources we’ve curated for you to help you feel informed and empowered when making the choices that are right for you.

Maternity Program and Services has a wealth of patient information to guide you in your journey. As we continue to add content to our website, our goal is to review and recommend more information for you about services and programs in Vancouver. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit the list of programs and services available on Pathways BC as well as what is currently listed on BC211.

Prenatal Classes

While it may not be the right time for you to start thinking about prenatal classes, exploring what else is out there can be useful. For example, the Connecting Pregnancy Program offered by the <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>birthdocs family practice maternity service</a> and <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>South Community Birth Program</a> in Vancouver, offers group care and support, connecting you with other parents-to-be and healthcare providers to help you navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Does that seem like it might be a good match for you? Check out these and other resources on prenatal classes, or speak with your maternity care provider to see what could be a good fit for you.

Thinking Ahead?

If you’re looking for information about your recommended visit schedule during pregnancy, we have detailed information available for each phase of pregnancy on our website. Simply click on the next phase to learn more about what to expect at each medical visit. We want to ensure you have all the information you need to feel prepared and confident throughout your pregnancy journey, so don’t hesitate to explore our resources or speak with your primary care provider.