As your due date approaches, you may start experiencing increased discomfort and pain, especially in the lower back and hips. Additionally, high blood pressure can also be a concern during late pregnancy and may be a symptom of other conditions. To learn more about managing these symptoms, check out our reliable resources on common aches, pains and more during the late pregnancy phase.
Complications in Pregnancy
Preterm labour, also known as premature labour, can occur between 20-37 weeks of pregnancy and requires urgent medical attention. Recognizing the signs of preterm labour is vital for pregnant individuals. Some signs may include vaginal bleeding or spotting, contractions that are becoming more frequent, back pain, pelvic pressure, leakage or a change in vaginal discharge. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your maternity provider immediately. To learn more about preterm labour and other late pregnancy complications, visit our recommended resources.
COVID-19 and Pregnancy
If you have questions about COVID-19 during late pregnancy, it’s important to consult reliable sources of information. Our website has various COVID-19 resources available, including information on protecting yourself and your baby, what to do if you have symptoms and how to access care. Some resources are available in alternate languages and accessibility. Since COVID-19 still is a thing (even if it might not feel like it or others might not think so) check out these resources we’ve reviewed for you.
Thinking Ahead?
Labour and delivery are just around the bend! Whether you’re playing the waiting or scrambling game, we know there’s lots to consider and plan for. Are you curious about packing a hospital bag, arranging transportation, choosing who will be present during the birth or discussing pain management options with your maternity provider? We’ve gathered some comprehensive checklists and other resources covering the chapter on labour and delivery.