Are you ready for your mid-pregnancy checkups? Visits during this phase are primarily about monitoring the development and growth of your baby. Here’s what you can expect from these checkups:
Thinking Ahead?
Now that you may be feeling, experiencing and perhaps even looking pregnant, you may begin wondering about logistics and lab results or perhaps thinking way ahead to labour and delivery, what it means to be a parent — maybe even the cost of university education! So let’s take a slow, deep, mindful and loving breath in….and then exhale. To help streamline some of the more relevant questions, your maternity provider likely has some key areas to focus on at this stage. If your curiosity has been piqued, check out the visit schedule descriptions and links to what to expect at these checkups. As you balance between attending appointments and being present to the holistic changes – body, mind and spirit — that are happening for you, this mid-way period offers opportunities to not only think ahead but also to perhaps be in awe, gratitude and wonder as you look back to where you started at the beginning of your pregnancy journey! Past, present and thinking ahead, we’ve got you covered.
Maternity Program and Services has a wealth of patient information to guide you in your journey. As we continue to add content to our website, our goal is to review and recommend more information for you about services and programs in Vancouver. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit the list of programs and services available on Pathways BC as well as what is currently listed on BC211.